He’s got what he wanted and now he’s outta here
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Kevin throws his arms in the arm and cheers a hearty YES!
He then return to grinning keenly at Ash
Kevin: Ok so I'll put you down for Monday!
An energy saving ligtbulb pings next to him as an idea forms
Kevin: OH! How about Thursday too?
Kevin begins to pace energetically as he talks at Ash.
Kevin: We can get you on the deli counter over lunches to give you a change!
Ash: wait, the other counters?
Kevin: We have people in during the day who can train you on the other counters so you won't be left on your own!
Ash: I mean I could but-
Kevin: And then you can do Thursday next week!
Ash: Er- well
Kevin is now walking away; not even meeting Ash's eyes anymore as he continues to talk at him.
And a few extra hours on your friday shift! EXCELLENT! So I look forward to seeing you on Monday?
THANKS ASH! You're a star!
Ash looks on naively happy, softly agreeing with a "oh, ok!" as Kevin has well and truely wandered off away from the counters.
He then return to grinning keenly at Ash
Kevin: Ok so I'll put you down for Monday!
An energy saving ligtbulb pings next to him as an idea forms
Kevin: OH! How about Thursday too?
Kevin begins to pace energetically as he talks at Ash.
Kevin: We can get you on the deli counter over lunches to give you a change!
Ash: wait, the other counters?
Kevin: We have people in during the day who can train you on the other counters so you won't be left on your own!
Ash: I mean I could but-
Kevin: And then you can do Thursday next week!
Ash: Er- well
Kevin is now walking away; not even meeting Ash's eyes anymore as he continues to talk at him.
And a few extra hours on your friday shift! EXCELLENT! So I look forward to seeing you on Monday?
THANKS ASH! You're a star!
Ash looks on naively happy, softly agreeing with a "oh, ok!" as Kevin has well and truely wandered off away from the counters.