It has been brought to my attention that I have a habit of just shrugging and making weird noises instead of communicating how I feel, so much so that over the last few years that it became impossible for others to tell how I was actually doing unless they could actively see I was lying to make the comparison. Oops. Sorry about that.

Damian “It is what it is” Young


↓ Transcript
Ash tries waving to Damian again. "erm... HEY DAMIAN!"
Damian finally notices Ash as he starts to wipe down a surface. "Oh uh, hey Ash."
Ash leans on the counter glass, trying to look casually cheerful. "I waves to you earlier but you seemed busy...?"
Damian wipes the counter down some more. "Did you? uuuuh - sorry I guess i wasn't paying attention."
Ash smiles reassuredly. "I didn't know you were in this evening! Had a good day?"

Damian shrugs, tryign to sound jokey and casul but instead looking absolutely like the worst. "uuuuuuummm it's uh EEEEEHHH??? ALRIGHT? I GUESS?"

Ash pauses in concern to digest this expression. His thoughts conclude "HE IS NOT FINE."
"One of those types of days..? Got it."
Damian crosses his arms apologetically. "is it that obvious?"
Ash nervously chuckles. "I'm gonna go wash my hands and... not answer that!"