I asked the Spiderforest creators if they could recommend a rock or metal song about the moon and they found one and I enjoyed it and THEN I LOST THE LINK TO IT and now I am mad

He’s humming a song, trust me.

↓ Transcript
Damian looks towards Ash as he storts rubbish into the bin container. "Outcome's the same to me, either way."
Ash beams happily. "Exactly! Then we might as well do things to be nice!"
Damian pauses, then continues to struggle to put too many bin bags into the container. Ash points to the night sky.
"Oh hey! Rain's finally clearing up! You can see the moon tonight!"

Damian looks up from behind the bin container to see an almost full moon cradled between the trees and buildings nearby. Damian smiles softly and starts to humm a song referencing the moon.
Lost in his song, the lid to the container starts to fall on his head, before Ash rushes into help catch the lid before it hits his head.
"CAREFUL! Aaaah sorry i distracted you!"
Damian holds more of the lid up as Ash is on his tip toes trying to hold the lid.
"No... that was all me."