sorry! No I’m sorry! No I’m sorry! no no no I’m- ↓ TranscriptAsh takes a box from Khara, as Verity from the other end of the counter looks to them. “I hope i didn't mess up everything 'cause i didn't[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Chapter 5: A memorable first impression
I realise after finishing several pages that i have never drawn the married characters with wedding bands. Pretend Khara keeps hers in her locker, ok? She has a second hubby and they are happy – just trust me on this.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Ash’s braincell singing motivation believe in yourself pop songs to himself for support after a stressful service ↓ TranscriptVerity’s smile beams at Khara. “But WOW! I hadn’t realised you have been here that long!” Khara smiles back. “Oh yes, though[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Tolerably messy is lovely in a way but maybe not so much in a work environment ↓ TranscriptThe tall male coworker is on the other counter to Ash. "I know when i started a bunch who couldn’t handle thirty seconds[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
head empty ↓ TranscriptThe tall coworker approaches Ash.“Talking earlier about showing you around, did you ever get shown the warehouse? Ash: erm… no… not really. I kinda just closed down or… did as I was told… Damian: yeah well -[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
There is something cold and practical about warehouse spaces. So full of people one minute then absolutely empty of life the next. Hmmm. ↓ TranscriptAsh and the male coworker walk upstairs towards the warehouse. Coworker: How have you found the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Did you catch every time he was there? I thoroughly enjoyed finding new ways to tuck him into backgrounds as I redrew chapter 3 in 2021 – the talley went from 3 to 7 background gremlins ha ha ↓[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
awkward ↓ TranscriptA full black page with the title MISTAKE NUMBER 3. PAY ATTENTION TO EVERYONE ON YOUR SHIFT A cartoon Ash jumps in alarm as am embarrassed and solemn cartoon Damian slouches before him.
overwhelm catches up to Ash and this random dude he just met has no idea what to do ↓ TranscriptColour drains from Ash's face. "NO WAY! REALLY?" The tall coworker is taken aback by the reaction. "Yeah? Yeah I have…?"[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Damian I think you “got” the wrong thing that Ash was trying to say 🤷 I can stop putting “Tall Coworker” in the transciptions now lol ↓ TranscriptAsh is bright red and throwing his arms up in worry. "I'm so[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…