This is the 2019 version of the chapter 1 cover and I still like it so much better to this day. High fives if you remember just how creepy the original was (also thank you for continually reading if you do remember!!!!)

↓ Transcript
[Cover page for CHAPTER 1. The title reads THE FIRST SHIFT]

[The image is of the smart, muscular red headed manager still grinning enthusiastically with one hand clasped around the contract from before. The name ASH is emblazoned on the paper in purple and is raising enticingly above a thrilled shorter male.]

[The shorter, round bodied young man with ginger dyed hair in a 90s style beach surfer style fringe, is touching their face tenderly in astounding at being noticed by the towering redhead above him.]

[The background is stripes of white, orange and pale oranges with triangle shards highlighting the manager's contract]