
↓ Transcript
Darrell describes the scene to us - where he observed the elderly customer leaning on his four pronged can, looking at goods on a shelf.
Darrell: He was eyeing up one of the aisles so I wondered if he needed help or something.
The Customer staggers to crawl down, leaning on his cane, before removing packets of goods, likely cereal, from the far back of the shelf and bringing them forward.
Darrell: But then I saw him get on all fours and climb under the bottom shelf!
Ash: How did he even get down onto the floor to do that?
Darrell: Dunno! It was actually kind of impressive really! If he weren't so annoying, that is.
After comparing both boxes at close proximity to his eyes, he then discards one packet thoughtlessly behind him.
The flashback breaks and Ash continues.
Ash: What's his obsession with having newer stock?
Darrell: I don't know, longer use by dates?
Ash leans in, narrowing his eyes and challenging Darrell.
Ash: Does a day or two really make that much of a difference?
Darrell: He was eyeing up one of the aisles so I wondered if he needed help or something.
The Customer staggers to crawl down, leaning on his cane, before removing packets of goods, likely cereal, from the far back of the shelf and bringing them forward.
Darrell: But then I saw him get on all fours and climb under the bottom shelf!
Ash: How did he even get down onto the floor to do that?
Darrell: Dunno! It was actually kind of impressive really! If he weren't so annoying, that is.
After comparing both boxes at close proximity to his eyes, he then discards one packet thoughtlessly behind him.
The flashback breaks and Ash continues.
Ash: What's his obsession with having newer stock?
Darrell: I don't know, longer use by dates?
Ash leans in, narrowing his eyes and challenging Darrell.
Ash: Does a day or two really make that much of a difference?