2024 EDIT: If returning readers notice some pages are missing, this is intentional. They will return later in the story with a new context. New pages are planned to end the chapter properly at some time either 2024 or 2025. they will link to future chapters 😎
2020 version below:
I don’t entirely know what I want nearly a decade after the shifts this chapter was based on happened. But it was certainly a lot more worse emotionally then when I was young and out of school.
This is based on my local area FYI, where careers were either retail, a family business or through university.

Ash sighs deeply and it is a mood
Webcomic cameos:
I’ll draw Cheth properly one of these days as they are absolutely in my rang of good character tropes *shakes fist* As of typing this out I really really really want band stripe tattoos hhhh
me: I don’t know what I want
also me: I want band stripe tattoos
↓ Transcript
[Another couple sporting brown hair and tattoos are grinning ecstatically over reduced day old baguettes. The grumpy old git customer, or Weird Cookie Man, is walking away with his usual look of displeasure. Ash is slumped on the counter with his head in his hands, pouting, thinking to himself.]
Ash: Everyone ends up in a supermarket in the end, whether it's for a job or for food! I suppose what matters is what they do with their time between work, money and life...
[Ash slides a reduced ticket over a product ticket on the counter and signs deeply.]
Ash: It's about knowing what you want more then anything...
[The page pans back from the counter to show that the store is empty. The outside of the store is empty and the crescent mood shines bright among the clouds. The car park is empty. An inco states that the night shift has ended.]
Ash: Everyone ends up in a supermarket in the end, whether it's for a job or for food! I suppose what matters is what they do with their time between work, money and life...
[Ash slides a reduced ticket over a product ticket on the counter and signs deeply.]
Ash: It's about knowing what you want more then anything...
[The page pans back from the counter to show that the store is empty. The outside of the store is empty and the crescent mood shines bright among the clouds. The car park is empty. An inco states that the night shift has ended.]