You could use your time in the chiller to daydream about ANYTHING and you are chosing this? wow man… wow.
(Ok you got me i used to do this, this is a call out to myself in the past for caring too much.)
Consider this a little insight into how goods ordering worked where I used to work between humans manually ordering stock in and computers taking control of stock levels. May give you lil insight into why things may be in or out of stock at any time when you go shopping.
For food service, humans did it, and you’ve seen the negatives to that (waste, human error) but I have yet to show how the computers fare with ordering levels… or the positives to manual (human) ordering. It would be a shame if I were to bring this up in the future…
↓ Transcript
Damian and Kevin are being replayed from their morning conversation in the office around present time Damian moving stocks fom ths shelving in the chiller.
Damian: I thought the computer system took care of the orders automatically, unless you need to, you know, take customer orders.
Kevin thinks deeply
Kevin: yes…
Damian: So how are we ordering things incorrectly? Are the stock levels just always incorrect? 'Cause they are being they being manually updated all the time? Which is messing up what the system thinks we have? so it orders more pr less than we actually sell?
Kevin looks away and murmurs to himself
Kevin: From what i know about staff, that's the way they've “always done it” but it might not necessarily be working anymore.
He looks back at Damian
Kevin: It’s always been little different for food service, as we are a separate section to the rest of the store's ordering system;;
He looks away again
Kevin: but there’s certainly a valid point there. We should be focusing on being one team now, not acting as a separate section…
Damian: I thought the computer system took care of the orders automatically, unless you need to, you know, take customer orders.
Kevin thinks deeply
Kevin: yes…
Damian: So how are we ordering things incorrectly? Are the stock levels just always incorrect? 'Cause they are being they being manually updated all the time? Which is messing up what the system thinks we have? so it orders more pr less than we actually sell?
Kevin looks away and murmurs to himself
Kevin: From what i know about staff, that's the way they've “always done it” but it might not necessarily be working anymore.
He looks back at Damian
Kevin: It’s always been little different for food service, as we are a separate section to the rest of the store's ordering system;;
He looks away again
Kevin: but there’s certainly a valid point there. We should be focusing on being one team now, not acting as a separate section…