Ash is the guy who will call you out if you don’t take care of yourself. He’s the type who gives the aura of someone who has been to therapy versus the guy who is clearly badly in need of some.


↓ Transcript
Damian flinches away from Ash, turning his back to him. Ash firmly addresses him anyway.
"You have been here covering us without taking a break. you said you'd go when we were done in the ovens. And we are now done! so... go!"
Ash points Damian to leave, but he continues to try and clean some sides with a spray bottle. "Thanks but I'm good!"
Unconvinced, Ash reaches into his pocket and produces some coins. "At least grab yourself a drink, ok? on me?"

Damian's thoughts grumbles "Do I look like a charity case now?"
Ash continues with "I thought you may need something nice to cheer you ip tonight so I-"
Damian interupts with forced cheerfulness. "I will go upstairs in a bit but don't worry about it. I have enough to buy my own drink. It's fine."
Damian, still facing away from Ash, is now manicly cleaning the side with a J Cloth. "Besides, I should check if that customer is still there and-"
Ash gently reaches up puts his hand on his shoulder. "S-stop! You're gonna burn a hole in the counter surface(!)"
Damian finally turns to him, holding a tattered j cloth. "Well, the J cloths aren't that thick anymore and-"

Ash now firmly puts some coins in Damian's hand and authoritively points him away to leave. "SO GO FOR YOUR BREAK."