Chapter 7 PART 2: Additional Responsibilities
HNAR will be on a break until 2023!
But where you see Damian taking on too much and getting distressed over it, I’m trying to be better! I was wandering close to burnout over July so I spent the two months resting and working on a mini comic to reset my brain on something that isn’t retail; which honestly has been really good for me! I was hoping to have the next break be a little later in the year but now is a good place to pause!
Plans include:
- Resting!!!!!
- Making a big buffer to finish chapter 7 part 2 and get that all ready to launch Spring next year
- Thumbnail chapter 8
- Script out the the next story events after chapter 8
- Start to poke chapter 4 with the redrawn pages (mostly thumbnailed already, just need time to work on it)
Basically I need to set up everything so i can get the ball rolling again!
I’ll give a shout when I feel good to post pages again! Aiming for April 2023 but it’s not set in stone. Thanks for reading and sticking around! If you have an RSS feeder I have an RSS feed active for you for when i do announcements etc.
See you next year! Stay safe!
Damian has dropped his juggling ball act from the first cover page, now full focusing on holding up the title banner for the PART 2.